dataset api | | | import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession val spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("mapExample").master("local").getOrCreate() import spark.implicits._ val sc = spark.sparkContext | | | |
return type | method | description | example | result | RDD 영향도 | |
Dataset<Row> | agg(Column expr, Column... exprs) | Aggregates on the entire Dataset without groups. Col 이 list 로 만들어질경우 합쳐주는 연산? | import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ val ds = Seq((1, 1, 2L), (1, 2, 3L), (1, 3, 4L), (2, 1, 5L),(2,2,5L), (4,4,5L), (5,5,5L), 1,2,3L),(9,9,9L)).toDS() ds.groupBy("_1").agg(collect_list("_2") as "list").show(false) | +---+---------+ |_1 |list | +---+---------+ |1 |[1, 2, 3]| |2 |[1] | +---+---------+ | | |
Dataset<Row> | agg(Column expr, scala.collection.Seq<Column> exprs) | Aggregates on the entire Dataset without groups. | ds.groupBy("_1").agg(count("*"), sum("_2").alias("summing"), sum("_3")).show(false) | +---+--------+-------+-------+ |_1 |count(1)|sum(_2)|sum(_3)| +---+--------+-------+-------+ |1 |3 |6 |9 | |2 |1 |1 |5 | +---+--------+-------+-------+ | | |
Dataset<Row> | agg(scala.collection.immutable.Map<String,String> exprs) | (Scala-specific) Aggregates on the entire Dataset without groups. | | | | |
Dataset<Row> | agg(scala.Tuple2<String,String> aggExpr, scala.collection.Seq<scala.Tuple2<String,String>> aggExprs) | (Scala-specific) Aggregates on the entire Dataset without groups. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | alias(String alias) | Returns a new Dataset with an alias set. | ds.groupBy("_1").agg(count("*"), sum("_2").alias("summing"), sum("_3")).show(false) | '+---+--------+-------+-------+ |_1 |count(1)|summing|sum(_3)| +---+--------+-------+-------+ |1 |3 |6 |9 | |2 |1 |1 |5 | +---+--------+-------+-------+ | | |
Dataset<T> | alias(scala.Symbol alias) | | | | | |
(Scala-specific) Returns a new Dataset with an alias set. | | | | | |
Column | apply(String colName) | Selects column based on the column name and return it as a Column. | ds.apply("_1").toString() | | | |
Dataset<T> | as(String alias) | Returns a new Dataset with an alias set. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | as(scala.Symbol alias) | (Scala-specific) Returns a new Dataset with an alias set. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | cache() | Persist this Dataset with the default storage level (MEMORY_AND_DISK). | ds.cache() | | | |
Dataset<T> | checkpoint() | Eagerly checkpoint a Dataset and return the new Dataset. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | checkpoint(boolean eager) | Returns a checkpointed version of this Dataset. | | | | |
scala.reflect.ClassTag<T> | classTag() | | | | | |
Dataset<T> | coalesce(int numPartitions) | Returns a new Dataset that has exactly numPartitions partitions. | | | | |
Column | col(String colName) | Selects column based on the column name and return it as a Column. | | | | |
Object | collect() | Returns an array that contains all of Rows in this Dataset. |"_1").collect() | | | |
java.util.List<T> | collectAsList() | Returns a Java list that contains all of Rows in this Dataset. | | | | |
String[] | columns() | Returns all column names as an array. | | | | |
long | count() | Returns the number of rows in the Dataset. | | | | |
void | createGlobalTempView(String viewName) | Creates a global temporary view using the given name. | | | Global Temporary View는 모든 세션에서 공유 가능하며, Spark 어플리케이션이 종료되기 전까지 살아있게 됩니다. 제 경우 Master 노드의 하드디스크에 저장 | |
void | createOrReplaceTempView(String viewName) | Creates a local temporary view using the given name. | | | | |
void | createTempView(String viewName) | Creates a local temporary view using the given name. | | | | |
Dataset<Row> | crossJoin(Dataset<?> right) | Explicit cartesian join with another DataFrame. | | | | |
RelationalGroupedDataset | cube(Column... cols) | Create a multi-dimensional cube for the current Dataset using the specified columns, so we can run aggregation on them. | | | | |
RelationalGroupedDataset | cube(scala.collection.Seq<Column> cols) | Create a multi-dimensional cube for the current Dataset using the specified columns, so we can run aggregation on them. | | | cube동작 | |
RelationalGroupedDataset | cube(String col1, scala.collection.Seq<String> cols) | Create a multi-dimensional cube for the current Dataset using the specified columns, so we can run aggregation on them. | | | | |
RelationalGroupedDataset | cube(String col1, String... cols) | Create a multi-dimensional cube for the current Dataset using the specified columns, so we can run aggregation on them. | | | | |
Dataset<Row> | describe(scala.collection.Seq<String> cols) | Computes statistics for numeric and string columns, including count, mean, stddev, min, and max. | ds.discribe.sho | | 간단한평균 | |
Dataset<Row> | describe(String... cols) | Computes statistics for numeric and string columns, including count, mean, stddev, min, and max. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | distinct() | Returns a new Dataset that contains only the unique rows from this Dataset. | | | 중복제거 (완전히 일치하는 row 끼리만) | |
Dataset<Row> | drop(Column col) | Returns a new Dataset with a column dropped. | ds.drop("_2").show | +---+---+ | _1| _3| +---+---+ | 1| 2| | 1| 3| | 1| 4| | 2| 5| +---+---+ | | |
Dataset<Row> | drop(scala.collection.Seq<String> colNames) | Returns a new Dataset with columns dropped. | | | | |
Dataset<Row> | drop(String... colNames) | Returns a new Dataset with columns dropped. | | | | |
Dataset<Row> | drop(String colName) | Returns a new Dataset with a column dropped. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | dropDuplicates() | Returns a new Dataset that contains only the unique rows from this Dataset. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | dropDuplicates(scala.collection.Seq<String> colNames) | (Scala-specific) Returns a new Dataset with duplicate rows removed, considering only the subset of columns. | | +---+---+ | _1| _3| +---+---+ | 1| 2| | 1| 3| | 1| 4| | 2| 5| +---+---+ | | |
Dataset<T> | dropDuplicates(String[] colNames) | Returns a new Dataset with duplicate rows removed, considering only the subset of columns. | ds.dropDuplicates("_1").show | +---+---+---+ | _1| _2| _3| +---+---+---+ | 1| 1| 2| | 2| 1| 5| +---+---+---+ | | |
Dataset<T> | dropDuplicates(String col1, scala.collection.Seq<String> cols) | Returns a new Dataset with duplicate rows removed, considering only the subset of columns. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | dropDuplicates(String col1, String... cols) | Returns a new Dataset with duplicate rows removed, considering only the subset of columns. | | | | |
scala.Tuple2<String,String>[] | dtypes() | Returns all column names and their data types as an array. | ds.dtypes | Array[(String, String)] = Array((_1,IntegerType), (_2,IntegerType), (_3,LongType)) | | |
Dataset<T> | except(Dataset<T> other) | Returns a new Dataset containing rows in this Dataset but not in another Dataset. | | | | |
void | explain() | Prints the physical plan to the console for debugging purposes. | | | | |
void | explain(boolean extended) | Prints the plans (logical and physical) to the console for debugging purposes. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | filter(Column condition) | Filters rows using the given condition. | | | | |
T | first() | Returns the first row. | | | | |
void | foreach(ForeachFunction<T> func) | (Java-specific) Runs func on each element of this Dataset. | | | | |
void | foreach(scala.Function1<T,scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> f) | Applies a function f to all rows. | | | | |
void | foreachPartition(ForeachPartitionFunction<T> func) | (Java-specific) Runs func on each partition of this Dataset. | | | | |
void | foreachPartition(scala.Function1<scala.collection.Iterator<T>,scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> f) | Applies a function f to each partition of this Dataset. | | | | |
RelationalGroupedDataset | groupBy(Column... cols) | Groups the Dataset using the specified columns, so we can run aggregation on them. | | | | |
RelationalGroupedDataset | groupBy(scala.collection.Seq<Column> cols) | Groups the Dataset using the specified columns, so we can run aggregation on them. | | | | |
RelationalGroupedDataset | groupBy(String col1, scala.collection.Seq<String> cols) | Groups the Dataset using the specified columns, so that we can run aggregation on them. | | | | |
RelationalGroupedDataset | groupBy(String col1, String... cols) | Groups the Dataset using the specified columns, so that we can run aggregation on them. | | | | |
T | head() | Returns the first row. | | | | |
Object | head(int n) | Returns the first n rows. | | | | |
String[] | inputFiles() | Returns a best-effort snapshot of the files that compose this Dataset. | in.inputFiles.foreach(println) | file:///D:/scala/test2/input.txt | 인풋파일 브리핑 | |
Dataset<T> | intersect(Dataset<T> other) | Returns a new Dataset containing rows only in both this Dataset and another Dataset. | | | | |
boolean | isLocal() | Returns true if the collect and take methods can be run locally (without any Spark executors). | ds.isLocal ds.cube(("_1"),("_2")).sum().isLocal | true false | local 로 도는지 아닌지 확인가능 | |
boolean | isStreaming() | Returns true if this Dataset contains one or more sources that continuously return data as it arrives. | 스트리밍형식 | | 용도 잘 모르겠음 | |
JavaRDD<T> | javaRDD() | Returns the content of the Dataset as a JavaRDD of Ts. | | | | |
Dataset<Row> | join(Dataset<?> right) | Join with another DataFrame. | | | | |
Dataset<Row> | join(Dataset<?> right, Column joinExprs) | Inner join with another DataFrame, using the given join expression. | val ds = Seq((1, 1, "A"), (1, 2, "B"), (1, 3, "C"), (2, 1, "D")).toDS() val ds2 = Seq(("A",1), ("B",), (1, 3, 4L), (2, 1, 5L)).toDS() | | | |
Dataset<Row> | join(Dataset<?> right, Column joinExprs, String joinType) | Join with another DataFrame, using the given join expression. | //inner employees .join(departments, "DepartmentID") .show() //outer employees .join(departments, Seq("DepartmentID"), "left_outer") .show() //inner, outer, left_outer, right_outer, leftsemi //carsetian employees .join(departments) .show(10) //conditional (nonequal) orders .join(products, $"product" === $"name" && $"date" >= $"startDate" && $"date" <= $"endDate") .show() | | | |
Dataset<Row> | join(Dataset<?> right, scala.collection.Seq<String> usingColumns) | Inner equi-join with another DataFrame using the given columns. | | | | |
Dataset<Row> | join(Dataset<?> right, scala.collection.Seq<String> usingColumns, String joinType) | Equi-join with another DataFrame using the given columns. | | | | |
Dataset<Row> | join(Dataset<?> right, String usingColumn) | Inner equi-join with another DataFrame using the given column. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | limit(int n) | Returns a new Dataset by taking the first n rows. | | | | |
DataFrameNaFunctions | na() | Returns a DataFrameNaFunctions for working with missing data. | // +-----+----+ // | name| age| // +-----+----+ // |alice| 35| // | bob|null| // | | 24| // +-----+----+ scala>,Seq("age")) // res4: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [name: string, age: int] // scala>,Seq("age")).show // +-----+---+ // | name|age| // +-----+---+ // |alice| 35| // | bob| 10| // | | 24| // +-----+---+ scala>"age", Map(35 -> 61,24 -> 12))).show() // +-----+----+ // | name| age| // +-----+----+ // |alice| 61| // | bob|null| // | | 12| // +-----+----+ | update 및 replace 가능? 써도되나? | | |
static Dataset<Row> | ofRows(SparkSession sparkSession, org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan logicalPlan) | | | | | |
Dataset<T> | orderBy(Column... sortExprs) | Returns a new Dataset sorted by the given expressions. | OrderBy is just an alias for the sort function | | | |
Dataset<T> | orderBy(scala.collection.Seq<Column> sortExprs) | Returns a new Dataset sorted by the given expressions. | OrderBy is just an alias for the sort function | | | |
Dataset<T> | orderBy(String sortCol, scala.collection.Seq<String> sortCols) | Returns a new Dataset sorted by the given expressions. | OrderBy is just an alias for the sort function | | | |
Dataset<T> | orderBy(String sortCol, String... sortCols) | Returns a new Dataset sorted by the given expressions. | OrderBy is just an alias for the sort function | | | |
Dataset<T> | persist() | Persist this Dataset with the default storage level (MEMORY_AND_DISK). | | | | |
Dataset<T> | persist(StorageLevel newLevel) | Persist this Dataset with the given storage level. | | | | |
void | printSchema() | Prints the schema to the console in a nice tree format. | ds.printSchema() | root |-- _1: integer (nullable = false) |-- _2: integer (nullable = false) |-- _3: long (nullable = false) | | |
org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution | queryExecution() | | ds.queryexecution | == Parsed Logical Plan == LocalRelation [_1#3, _2#4, _3#5L] == Analyzed Logical Plan == _1: int, _2: int, _3: bigint LocalRelation [_1#3, _2#4, _3#5L] == Optimized Logical Plan == LocalRelation [_1#3, _2#4, _3#5L] == Physical Plan == LocalTableScan [_1#3, _2#4, _3#5L] | 용도 잘 모르겠음 | |
Dataset<T>[] | randomSplit(double[] weights) | Randomly splits this Dataset with the provided weights. | val ds = Seq((1, 1, 2L), (1, 2, 3L), (1, 3, 4L), (2, 1, 5L),(2,2,5L), (4,4,5L), (5,5,5L), (1,2,3L),(9,9,9L)).toDS() ds.randomSplit(Array(0.3,0.2,0.5),5).foreach(t=> | +---+---+---+ | _1| _2| _3| +---+---+---+ | 1| 1| 2| | 5| 5| 5| | 9| 9| 9| +---+---+---+ +---+---+---+ | _1| _2| _3| +---+---+---+ | 1| 3| 4| | 2| 1| 5| +---+---+---+ +---+---+---+ | _1| _2| _3| +---+---+---+ | 1| 2| 3| | 1| 2| 3| | 2| 2| 5| | 4| 4| 5| +---+---+---+ | | |
Dataset<T>[] | randomSplit(double[] weights, long seed) | Randomly splits this Dataset with the provided weights. | | | | |
java.util.List<Dataset<T>> | randomSplitAsList(double[] weights, long seed) | Returns a Java list that contains randomly split Dataset with the provided weights. | | | | |
RDD<T> | rdd() | Represents the content of the Dataset as an RDD of T. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | repartition(Column... partitionExprs) | Returns a new Dataset partitioned by the given partitioning expressions, using spark.sql.shuffle.partitions as number of partitions. | in rdd 설명 | | | |
Dataset<T> | repartition(int numPartitions) | Returns a new Dataset that has exactly numPartitions partitions. | in rdd 설명 | | | |
Dataset<T> | repartition(int numPartitions, Column... partitionExprs) | Returns a new Dataset partitioned by the given partitioning expressions into numPartitions. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | repartition(int numPartitions, scala.collection.Seq<Column> partitionExprs) | Returns a new Dataset partitioned by the given partitioning expressions into numPartitions. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | repartition(scala.collection.Seq<Column> partitionExprs) | Returns a new Dataset partitioned by the given partitioning expressions, using spark.sql.shuffle.partitions as number of partitions. | | | | |
RelationalGroupedDataset | rollup(Column... cols) | Create a multi-dimensional rollup for the current Dataset using the specified columns, so we can run aggregation on them. | val ds = Seq((1, 1, 2L), (1, 2, 3L), (1, 3, 4L), (2, 1, 5L),(2,2,5L), (4,4,5L), (5,5,5L), (1,2,3L),(9,9,9L)).toDS() ds.rollup("_1") ds.rollup("_1").agg("_2","_3").show ds.rollup("_1").agg(sum("_2")).show | +---+---+---+ | _1| _2| _3| +---+---+---+ | 1| 1| 2| | 1| 2| 3| | 1| 3| 4| | 2| 1| 5| | 2| 2| 5| | 4| 4| 5| | 5| 5| 5| | 1| 2| 3| | 9| 9| 9| +---+---+---+ +----+-----+ | _1|count| +----+-----+ | 1| 4| | 4| 1| |null| 9| | 2| 2| | 5| 1| | 9| 1| +----+-----+ +----+-------+ | _1|sum(_2)| +----+-------+ | 1| 8| | 4| 4| |null| 29| | 2| 3| | 5| 5| | 9| 9| +----+-------+ | | |
RelationalGroupedDataset | rollup(scala.collection.Seq<Column> cols) | Create a multi-dimensional rollup for the current Dataset using the specified columns, so we can run aggregation on them. | | | | |
RelationalGroupedDataset | rollup(String col1, scala.collection.Seq<String> cols) | Create a multi-dimensional rollup for the current Dataset using the specified columns, so we can run aggregation on them. | | | | |
RelationalGroupedDataset | rollup(String col1, String... cols) | Create a multi-dimensional rollup for the current Dataset using the specified columns, so we can run aggregation on them. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | sample(boolean withReplacement, double fraction) | Returns a new Dataset by sampling a fraction of rows, using a random seed. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | sample(boolean withReplacement, double fraction, long seed) | Returns a new Dataset by sampling a fraction of rows, using a user-supplied seed. | | | | |
StructType | schema() | Returns the schema of this Dataset. | | | | |
Dataset<Row> | select(Column... cols) | Selects a set of column based expressions. | | | | |
Dataset<Row> | select(scala.collection.Seq<Column> cols) | Selects a set of column based expressions. | | | | |
Dataset<Row> | select(String col, scala.collection.Seq<String> cols) | Selects a set of columns. | | | | |
Dataset<Row> | select(String col, String... cols) | Selects a set of columns. | | | | |
Dataset<Row> | selectExpr(scala.collection.Seq<String> exprs) | Selects a set of SQL expressions. | | | | |
Dataset<Row> | selectExpr(String... exprs) | Selects a set of SQL expressions. | | | | |
void | show() | Displays the top 20 rows of Dataset in a tabular form. | | | | |
void | show(boolean truncate) | Displays the top 20 rows of Dataset in a tabular form. | | | | |
void | show(int numRows) | Displays the Dataset in a tabular form. | | | | |
void | show(int numRows, boolean truncate) | Displays the Dataset in a tabular form. | | | | |
void | show(int numRows, int truncate) | Displays the Dataset in a tabular form. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | sort(Column... sortExprs) | Returns a new Dataset sorted by the given expressions. | ds.sort(($"_1".desc)).show | +---+---+---+ | _1| _2| _3| +---+---+---+ | 9| 9| 9| | 5| 5| 5| | 4| 4| 5| | 2| 1| 5| | 2| 2| 5| | 1| 1| 2| | 1| 3| 4| | 1| 2| 3| | 1| 2| 3| +---+---+---+ | | |
Dataset<T> | sort(scala.collection.Seq<Column> sortExprs) | Returns a new Dataset sorted by the given expressions. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | sort(String sortCol, scala.collection.Seq<String> sortCols) | Returns a new Dataset sorted by the specified column, all in ascending order. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | sort(String sortCol, String... sortCols) | Returns a new Dataset sorted by the specified column, all in ascending order. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | sortWithinPartitions(Column... sortExprs) | Returns a new Dataset with each partition sorted by the given expressions. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | sortWithinPartitions(scala.collection.Seq<Column> sortExprs) | Returns a new Dataset with each partition sorted by the given expressions. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | sortWithinPartitions(String sortCol, scala.collection.Seq<String> sortCols) | Returns a new Dataset with each partition sorted by the given expressions. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | sortWithinPartitions(String sortCol, String... sortCols) | Returns a new Dataset with each partition sorted by the given expressions. | | | | |
SparkSession | sparkSession() | | | | | |
SQLContext | sqlContext() | | | | | |
DataFrameStatFunctions | stat() | Returns a DataFrameStatFunctions for working statistic functions support. | ??뭐가있을까 | | | |
StorageLevel | storageLevel() | Get the Dataset's current storage level, or StorageLevel.NONE if not persisted. | | | | |
Object | take(int n) | Returns the first n rows in the Dataset. | | | | |
java.util.List<T> | takeAsList(int n) | Returns the first n rows in the Dataset as a list. | | | | |
Dataset<Row> | toDF() | Converts this strongly typed collection of data to generic Dataframe. | | | | |
Dataset<Row> | toDF(scala.collection.Seq<String> colNames) | Converts this strongly typed collection of data to generic DataFrame with columns renamed. | | | | |
Dataset<Row> | toDF(String... colNames) | Converts this strongly typed collection of data to generic DataFrame with columns renamed. | | | | |
JavaRDD<T> | toJavaRDD() | Returns the content of the Dataset as a JavaRDD of Ts. | | | | |
Dataset<String> | toJSON() | Returns the content of the Dataset as a Dataset of JSON strings. | | | | |
java.util.Iterator<T> | toLocalIterator() | Return an iterator that contains all of Rows in this Dataset. | | | | |
String | toString() | | | | | |
<U> Dataset<U> | transform(scala.Function1<Dataset<T>,Dataset<U>> t) | Concise syntax for chaining custom transformations. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | union(Dataset<T> other) | Returns a new Dataset containing union of rows in this Dataset and another Dataset. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | unpersist() | Mark the Dataset as non-persistent, and remove all blocks for it from memory and disk. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | unpersist(boolean blocking) | Mark the Dataset as non-persistent, and remove all blocks for it from memory and disk. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | where(Column condition) | Filters rows using the given condition. | | | | |
Dataset<T> | where(String conditionExpr) | Filters rows using the given SQL expression. | | | | |
| | | | | |
Dataset<Row> | withColumn(String colName, Column col) | Returns a new Dataset by adding a column or replacing the existing column that has the same name. | | | | |
Dataset<Row> | withColumnRenamed(String existingName, String newName) | Returns a new Dataset with a column renamed. | | | | |
DataFrameWriter<T> | write() | Interface for saving the content of the non-streaming Dataset out into external storage. | | | | |
| | | | | |
DataStreamWriter<T> | ExperimentalwriteStream() | Interface for saving the content of the streaming Dataset out into external storage. | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | |