spark,kafka,hadoop ecosystems/apache spark

Spark Struct Streaming - joins

sangil55 2018. 11. 20. 19:49

2.3.0 부터 지원된다.,

(IPC - 2.2.0 , EPC 2.3.0)

Support matrix for joins in streaming queries
Left InputRight InputJoin Type
StaticStaticAll typesSupported, since its not on streaming data even though it can be present in a streaming query
StreamStaticInnerSupported, not stateful
Left OuterSupported, not stateful
Right OuterNot supported
Full OuterNot supported
StaticStreamInnerSupported, not stateful
Left OuterNot supported
Right OuterSupported, not stateful
Full OuterNot supported
StreamStreamInnerSupported, optionally specify watermark on both sides + time constraints for state cleanup
Left OuterConditionally supported, must specify watermark on right + time constraints for correct results, optionally specify watermark on left for all state cleanup
Right OuterConditionally supported, must specify watermark on left + time constraints for correct results, optionally specify watermark on right for all state cleanup
Full OuterNot supported
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.expr
val impressions = spark.readStream. ...
val clicks = spark.readStream. ...
// Apply watermarks on event-time columns
val impressionsWithWatermark = impressions.withWatermark("impressionTime""2 hours")
val clicksWithWatermark = clicks.withWatermark("clickTime""3 hours")
// Join with event-time constraints
    clickAdId = impressionAdId AND
    clickTime >= impressionTime AND
    clickTime <= impressionTime + interval 1 hour
    clickAdId = impressionAdId AND
    clickTime >= impressionTime AND
    clickTime <= impressionTime + interval 1 hour
  joinType = "leftOuter"      // can be "inner", "leftOuter", "rightOuter"

정리하자면, STREAM - STREAM JOIN 에서 INNER 조인은 watermark 가 옵셔날이지만 의미적으로도 써주는것이 좋고 성능도개선된다.

OUTER 조인은 Watermark 가 필수인데 ,그이유는 마지막까지 조인할 대상을 찾고 기다리기 때문에,  만약 null 일 경우 delay time 은 최대가된다.

  • Joins can be cascaded, that is, you can do df1.join(df2, ...).join(df3, ...).join(df4, ....).

  • As of Spark 2.3, you can use joins only when the query is in Append output mode. Other output modes are not yet supported.

  • As of Spark 2.3, you cannot use other non-map-like operations before joins. Here are a few examples of what cannot be used.

    • Cannot use streaming aggregations before joins.

    • Cannot use mapGroupsWithState and flatMapGroupsWithState in Update mode before joins.