spark memory
는 실행기에 사용할 수 있는 총 메모리 크기를 정의합니다
(기본 ~60%)은 지속된 RDD를 저장하는 데 사용할 수 있는 메모리 양을 정의합니다.spark.shuffle.memoryFraction
(기본 ~20%)은 무작위 재생용으로 예약된 메모리 양을 정의합니다
(총 메모리의 ~30%) - 이러한 값은 Spark에서 내부적으로 사용되므로 변경하지 않아야 합니다
LRU 란?
Least recently used (LRU)[edit]
Discards the least recently used items first. This algorithm requires keeping track of what was used when, which is expensive if one wants to make sure the algorithm always discards the least recently used item. General implementations of this technique require keeping "age bits" for cache-lines and track the "Least Recently Used" cache-line based on age-bits. In such an implementation, every time a cache-line is used, the age of all other cache-lines changes. LRU is actually a family of caching algorithms with members including 2Q by Theodore Johnson and Dennis Shasha,[3] and LRU/K by Pat O'Neil, Betty O'Neil and Gerhard Weikum.[4]
The access sequence for the below example is A B C D E D F.
In the above example once A B C D gets installed in the blocks with sequence numbers (Increment 1 for each new Access) and when E is accessed, it is a miss and it needs to be installed in one of the blocks. According to the LRU Algorithm, since A has the lowest Rank(A(0)), E will replace A.
RDD Persistence
One of the most important capabilities in Spark is persisting (or caching) a dataset in memory across operations. When you persist an RDD, each node stores any partitions of it that it computes in memory and reuses them in other actions on that dataset (or datasets derived from it). This allows future actions to be much faster (often by more than 10x). Caching is a key tool for iterative algorithms and fast interactive use.
You can mark an RDD to be persisted using the persist()
or cache()
methods on it. The first time it is computed in an action, it will be kept in memory on the nodes. Spark’s cache is fault-tolerant – if any partition of an RDD is lost, it will automatically be recomputed using the transformations that originally created it.
In addition, each persisted RDD can be stored using a different storage level, allowing you, for example, to persist the dataset on disk, persist it in memory but as serialized Java objects (to save space), replicate it across nodes. These levels are set by passing a StorageLevel
object (Scala,Java, Python) to persist()
. The cache()
method is a shorthand for using the default storage level, which is StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY
(store deserialized objects in memory). The full set of storage levels is
Storage Level | Meaning |
MEMORY_ONLY | Store RDD as deserialized Java objects in the JVM. If the RDD does not fit in memory, some partitions will not be cached and will be recomputed on the fly each time they're needed. This is the default level. |
MEMORY_AND_DISK | Store RDD as deserialized Java objects in the JVM. If the RDD does not fit in memory, store the partitions that don't fit on disk, and read them from there when they're needed. |
MEMORY_ONLY_SER (Java and Scala) | Store RDD as serialized Java objects (one byte array per partition). This is generally more space-efficient than deserialized objects, especially when using a fast serializer, but more CPU-intensive to read. |
MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER (Java and Scala) | Similar to MEMORY_ONLY_SER, but spill partitions that don't fit in memory to disk instead of recomputing them on the fly each time they're needed. |
DISK_ONLY | Store the RDD partitions only on disk. |
MEMORY_ONLY_2, MEMORY_AND_DISK_2, etc. | Same as the levels above, but replicate each partition on two cluster nodes. |
OFF_HEAP (experimental) | Similar to MEMORY_ONLY_SER, but store the data in off-heap memory. This requires off-heap memory to be enabled. |
- Cache 와 Persist 의 차이 : Cache 는 Default 값(MEMORY_AND_DISK)이 정해져 있는 반면 Persist 는 위와 같은 Storage Level 을 설정할 수 있음
- Dataset 과 RDD 의 Default Storage Level 이 다름 : RDD = MEMORY_ONLY, Dataset = MEMORY_AND_DISK
※ local 공간이 충분치 않으면, out of space 가 발생할 수 있음
Which Storage Level to Choose?
Spark’s storage levels are meant to provide different trade-offs between memory usage and CPU efficiency. We recommend going through the following process to select one:
If your RDDs fit comfortably with the default storage level (
), leave them that way. This is the most CPU-efficient option, allowing operations on the RDDs to run as fast as possible.If not, try using
and selecting a fast serialization library to make the objects much more space-efficient, but still reasonably fast to access. (Java and Scala)Don’t spill to disk unless the functions that computed your datasets are expensive, or they filter a large amount of the data. Otherwise, recomputing a partition may be as fast as reading it from disk.
Use the replicated storage levels if you want fast fault recovery (e.g. if using Spark to serve requests from a web application). All the storage levels provide full fault tolerance by recomputing lost data, but the replicated ones let you continue running tasks on the RDD without waiting to recompute a lost partition.